OT301 welcomes art in any of its forms and hosts events and performances supporting various visions and values. The organization has well-outlined house rules which should be followed, however, following these rules to a high extent requires an understanding of what the organization stands for. Do most users and visitors understand and adopt the vision behind OT301?
– “Sure, most people understand and follow the rules by nature.” explains Schmetz, “ I don’t think everyone knows and understands the history and vision of our organization but I guess most people realize as soon as they walk into the building that it isn’t a regular club or restaurant. And just to be clear, our house rules are not very strange. There are things on the list like no weapons, no aggression, no drinks outside, no sexual harassment, and the like. I actually never met anyone that had comments or disagreements about those rules. Of course, some visitors sometimes misbehave after having a couple of too many beers but in general, we don’t have many problems at the OT301. To make sure people understand where they are and where we come from, we painted our vision on the wall in the hallway. It’s kind of big so hopefully, people see it when they come in.”