5 Study-Snacks and Where to Find them Around Campus

With the end of the current block approaching, many of us have finals coming up. Instead of stress-eating junk food, why not enjoy a few brain-boosting alternatives!


It can be difficult to keep a balanced diet when living alone since cheap pizza and ready-made meals from Albert Heijn are so accessible. Now, aside from the daily coffees here is a compilation of some brain-boosting foods to power you through the next few weeks. Most of these can be found on or around the various UvA campuses so there are no excuses!

1. Blueberries

It isn’t a secret that fresh fruit and berries are good for you- these particular antioxidants even more so. According to Healthline.com, blueberries can improve short-term memory. At the cafeteria on the Roeterseiland Campus there is a yogurt-and-blueberry snack which is conveniently located right below the library. A cheaper alternative could be finding a healthy cereal bar with blueberries in it.

Tara de Gelder / The Amsterdammer

2. Peanut Butter

Here in Europe we may not be so accustomed to PB&J sandwiches, but if we knew their health benefits, wouldn’t it be the perfect time to give it a go? These benefits include being a rich source of protein as well as Iron and Zinc! Peanut butter can also be used as a dip for some fresh apples (which can be found pre-cut at the cafeteria).

Tara de Gelder / The Amsterdammer
Tara de Gelder / The Amsterdammer

3. Oily Fish

Whether or not you have tried the local speciality, Dutch herring, now may be the time. Grab a few friends and become a true Amsterdammer, if that does not convince you, do it in the name of learning! Fish is rich in Omega-3, which is used to produce brain cells and nerve cells. Healthline.com says this Omega-3 is also memory-enhancing. Herring can be found in street stands on the street usually detectable by the Dutch flags on either side of the carts. Lucky for you, stands like these can be found easily around the central campuses such as opposite the Singel library (Singel 468), or Spui 7 by Kalverstraat. Omega-3 is not limited to herring, so if that isn’t your cup of tea, then tinned tuna or salmon will do the trick.

Tara de Gelder / The Amsterdammer
Kira Guehring / The Amsterdammer

4. Leafy Greens

I’m sure you’ve heard about superfoods, such as Kale and Spinach. They can be rather bland and uninviting on their own, but if cooked properly they can make a great side-dish. Kale crisps also make a nice snack instead of potato crisps.

5. Turmeric

Why not treat yourself to a turmeric latte, aka Golden Milk, to get those golden grades. This is similar to the matcha latte trend, where matcha powder is mixed with a non-dairy milk of your choice. The cafeteria may not supply these (yet) but trendy cafés that are great study spots do. From Coffee & Coconuts to Bagels & Beans opposite Roeterseiland campus, there are plenty to choose from. Alternatively, you can use turmeric in soups or smoothies but be aware that it can leave some yellow stains on your skin and clothes!

Kira Guehring / The Amsterdammer
Kira Guehring / The Amsterdammer

The Amsterdammer Staff wishes their fellow student readers the best of luck for the exam week!

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